Sneaky Thief Xiao Ji works
Chapter 990: Striking the Main Base
有煉製過,為什麼剛剛纔會說冇問?這對你來說可是非常不利的。”沈翔淡淡一笑:“無妨,我隻是想嘗試一下!因為這洗骨丹的藥材現在很稀有,難得遇到,我當然要不顧一切地去嘗試煉製一番。”沈翔說的是真的,隻要見到一些稀有的藥材,他就安奈不住想去煉製!李寶駿徹底震驚了,驚愕地看著沈翔。從未煉製過一種丹藥,卻又能說出這樣的話,隻有一個可能,那就是沈翔懂得高階煉丹師必須掌握的技能——演煉法!在李寶駿的認知中,隻有開...Chapter 990: Directly Attack The Main Basee soul together. He fell on the ground rolling around, not knowing how long had passed, he found himself being pulled by someone’s arm and taken to a very hot place.He was still quite awake, guessing...