Sneaky Thief Xiao Ji works

Chapter 933: Dragon Descending Pill Pavilion


而比武台上是最慘烈的地方。被白光籠罩著轟響接連不斷,似乎有許多條巨大的白龍不斷地從那漩渦冒出來衝向地麵瘋狂地撞向比武台。三十條能量凝聚而成的白龍如同狂雷一般發出充滿威嚴的龍嘯衝擊著大地。如同城市一樣的廣場,大半都開裂遠處樓閣也全部被震塌。這種力量已經遠遠超過了靈武境初期。畢竟這是沈翔和龍雪怡的力量融合在一起再施展那厲害的神通,凝聚天地之力攻擊威力無窮!天地間安靜了下來。剛纔讓眾人感覺如同末日來臨一...Chapter 933: The Dragon Taming Pill Pavilion

Schenxiang dashed into the black mist without stopping, but he still called out: "Everyone, follow me."

Whoever followed him was asking for death.ll be felt here, leaving him stunned. He felt that the God of Punishment Heaven would soon become an Ultimate God.“The land of the Ultimate Gods, another hellish place!” Shen Xiang sighed and began hi...