Sneaky Thief Xiao Ji works

Chapter 3606: The Masked Man


出來之後渾身一顫驚呼道:“這是神匠老祖的神鼎還有蓋子,這神鼎不是在沈翔手中嗎?”“給我滾遠點,鬼纔信你們與世無爭。”沈翔怒聲道控製那巨大的神鼎朝那群飛趕過來的強者壓下去。“快避開!”感受到神鼎冒出的恐怖熱氣那些仙王心中驚駭紛紛躲開。神鼎砸落在地麵激起一陣灼熱的氣波,火浪滾滾,焚燒著朝四方湧動。地麵被強烈的火焰焚燒成熔岩,這裡的房屋全部被燒燬,那些仙王都懸浮在空中憤怒地看著那巨大神鼎轟炸這箇中心區域...Chapter 3606 - The Masked Person

Shen Xiang immediately realized that the Supreme Evil Text was definitely an extremely wicked thing. Otherwise, Ye Jiuyuan wouldn't have ended up like this.

"What is the Supreme Evil Text" Yang Gengming asked hurriedly. He was frightened by Yan Jiu's demonic auras that had just erupted, and although the evil force was truly wicked, it carried an aura of legend.

"The things that the Despicable Ruler Evil Ancestor created should have been completely erased by now," said Little White Fox as she frowned at the struggling and roaring Yan Jiǔ. "These are just remnants of memories in my mind."

The Little White Fox, originally a y靈 formed from Supreme Curse culture, ultimately transforms into an animal and then into a human form. Therefore, she possesses some recollections regarding the Supreme Evil Script in her memory.

"Sister, do you have any way to help Senior Yan" Shen Xiang didn't know how Yan Jiu got addicted to this substance, so he could only wait until Yan Jiu regains consciousness to find out.

"There's definitely some supreme evil writing within his body or in his divine sea causing the problem, we just need to get rid of that. The hard part is actually finding where it is," said White Little Fox. "Moreover, we need to act quickly and start searching. If not, it might be too late."

White fox released two clones, and Yang Genming and the old man joined in to assist. With their five combined might, it was not a difficult task to subdue Yan Jiu.

After Yang Gengming released the seal, the white fox immediately went in search of it and found it very quickly.

"That thing on him... it's great, it didn't enter his body." The white fox walked over and took a black bead off Yan Jiuyu.

This black bead is a crystal nucleus! A crystal nucleus, only found within the“Curse Beast,” Jin Ji actually possesses.

"Junior disciple, be careful!" Shen Xiang was very concerned about Whitey the White-Furred Fox since Jian Jiu had been treated in such a manner by this creature.

"It's fine!" Xiao Bai Hu said, releasing a strong pressure and pouring it into the crystal nucleus, destroying it.

The malevolent aura on Yan九 was dissipating. If rescue措施 were not provided, he would be consumed by evil.

"This is from a curse beast's core!" Xiao Bai Fox had an intense expression. "In all the years I spent in the Origin Formation Ancient Land, I've never encountered a curse beast with such an evil crystalline core."

Yang Gengming had never heard of this before, but he felt that there must be more to the matter than meets the eye. Perhaps it was somehow related to those half-devil Foundational Dao Deities, as Shen Xiang had previously informed him that Yan Jiu was a member of the Flame Mountain Sect and had also been pursued by them.

"We'll know when he wakes up," Yang Gengming said. "Let's just leave him here and wait outside."

Yang Genming was worried about Yuan Jiu's anomalous transformation, so he continued to seal him.

They exit the secret room, with Shen Xiang leading the way.

"It seems like he must have encountered something serious. We need to find out exactly how that crystal nucleus came about. That thing is too terrifying," Yang Geming recalled, feeling frightened at the thought of it. The crystal nucleus could turn someone into a極其可怕的 evil spirit."



"I parted ways with him in the Ancient Pathway Creation Realm, did he encounter danger inside" Shen Xiang always felt that there was more to this matter than met the eye.

Several hours passed, and sounds came from inside the secret room. Yang Gengming and them immediately went in. They, all of them傲世傳說境 figures, walked at the front while Shen Xiang followed behind. the crystal in his furnace, and the light from it was actually not as bright as the團 inside Xie Qiaoyan's furnace."There's still plenty of time, I can still charge again!" Shen Xiang suddenly felt a...